Physical and Mental wellness for success
Cory Concus Cory Concus

Physical and Mental wellness for success

You look good, you feel good. You feel good, you play good. A remnant from my coaching days, but it’s so true… our physical and mental status affects our output! For me, this begs a follow up question: What affects our well-being the most? Of course, a ton of factors come into play and each of us is different but, to the point, self-care at some level is key. 

Maybe the airline industry has it right, take care of your own oxygen mask before you try to help someone else. As a leader, consider a similar approach. To be consistently effective and helpful to others you need to be at your best. If you are tired, frustrated, in a bad mood, or just not feeling good, think about how that can impair your presence with others. While perfection is untenable, as leaders, we set the culture and tone with more than our words! This week, we had a conversation about what that looks like for us:

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Why Don’t Millennials Want to Be Leaders?
Chuck Lane Chuck Lane

Why Don’t Millennials Want to Be Leaders?

As a millennial leader, I myself have stood at a crossroads of transition and tradition. I wanted a successful career, but I also do not want to make work my entire life or purpose. Our generation has often been at the forefront of change, advocating for more inclusive, transparent, and flexible work environments. Yet, when it comes to stepping into leadership roles, most of us hesitate.

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Trust & teamwork in leadership
Cory Concus Cory Concus

Trust & teamwork in leadership

Trust and collaboration are central to leadership at all levels, professional and personal. In this episode we discuss partnerships and how they can lead to collective success. Trust is the foundation for successful teamwork, allows for an exchange of ideas, generally creates a mutual benefit. What does trust look like today? A balance of receiving autonomy and taking responsibility in collaboration, recognizing each side’s perspective.

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Trust & Collaboration
Cory Concus Cory Concus

Trust & Collaboration

What is the role of trust in leadership?

Trust is a key element in relationships, successful leadership, and effective team dynamics. While trust operates at different levels, it can foster collaboration, open communication, and the achievement of common goals. One way to understand how trust builds is to consider the 'debit and credit' concept, understanding trust can be earned or lost through everyday interactions. Like a bank account builds on deposits, relationships flourish with consistent positive actions that contribute to trust. Conversely, withdrawals, or negative actions, can quickly deplete the reservoir of goodwill that's been built over time.

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What They Don’t tell you about leadership
Cory Concus Cory Concus

What They Don’t tell you about leadership

Leadership reaches past individual achievements, touching the core of team dynamics. Transitioning from being an individual contributor to leading a team requires a fundamental shift in mindset. As a leader you are no longer responsible solely for your own work, but for guiding and inspiring your team which can often lead to difficult decisions.

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How to manage your time
Cory Concus Cory Concus

How to manage your time

In our most recent podcast episode, we take time for time management—a challenge new for every generation, but especially so for the fast-paced modern world we inhabit today. Throughout the episode, we examine the art of balancing the many plates life throws our way: work, family, personal growth, and how to navigate these responsibilities without giving in to the chaos that wants to encroach in our lives.

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How to set and achieve your goals
Cory Concus Cory Concus

How to set and achieve your goals

Setting and achieving goals is an integral part for both our personal and professional lives. It’s a topic that resonates deeply with anyone striving for success and fulfillment. This week’s topic walks us through this complex landscape, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and incremental progress.

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Qualities of Great Leaders
Chuck Lane Chuck Lane

Qualities of Great Leaders

Leadership is not a title or a position; it's an action, a behavior, and, most importantly, an influence.

Our first podcast episode peeled back the layers of what constitutes a great leader, emphasizing the intertwined relationship between personal self-care and the capacity to lead effectively. This narrative was woven with anecdotes, historical references, and real-life examples that brought to life the often-overlooked foundation of successful leadership: self-care.

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